Rebecca Russell-Turner

Head of Creative Journey

As the Head of Creative Journey at JCA, I am dedicated to empowering learners to achieve entrepreneurial success while nurturing their talents and supporting their well-being. From curating Professor Jimmy Choos's summer camp for aspiring fashion entrepreneurs aged 13 to 17, where they step into the shoes of a real fashion designer, to guiding our Mayfair-based learners through BA and MA levels, I am committed to their growth as designers. I authored the JCA Creative Journey Journal, a personalized diary crafted to explore creativity and professional development. This journal serves as a guide for growth and self-mastery, encouraging creativity, time management, and entrepreneurial skills. Learners engage in structured reflections during one-on-one meetings, charting their experiences and setting goals for growth. The insights from these reflections are shared with JCA directors to support learners' launch into the fashion industry. This holistic approach blends personal reflection with professional guidance, nurturing learners' potential as both creatives and entrepreneurs.